Bethany Lutheran Church
Brodhead, WisconsinTitle - Pastor
Status – Part Time
I. Perform the duties of the Pastor as defined in the
Bethany Lutheran Church Constitution
II. Deliver God’s word and the sacraments
A. Sunday worship
B. Special worship services
C. Shut-ins
D. Hospital visits
III. Teaching
A. Work with lay volunteers to continually develop and improve our
Sunday school and youth ministry programs as needed
B. Provide Christian counseling
C. Attend Pastoral retreat/educational update sessions
D. Actively participate and fellowship as congregation member
IV. Perform Pastoral Acts
A. Weddings
1. Perform wedding ceremonies
2. Provide appropriate pre-marriage counseling
B. Rite of Confirmation
C. Baptisms
D. Funerals
1. Perform funeral services
2. Assist families as requested and as time permits
E. New member installations
F. Other ceremonies as required
V. Confirmation Classes
A. Make recommendation for confirmation program to Church Council
1. Curriculum
2. Instructors
3. Participation expectations of parents and students
B. Implement updated program after Church Council approval
VI. Communication
A. Regular communication to AFLC
B. Regular communication to Church Council
C. Main contact for community outreach activities
D. Seek out and work with other community churches on special projects
E. Constructive feedback to congregation members and lay volunteers
VII. Parish Records
A. Maintain accurate record of church membership
B. Record Pastoral acts
C. Annual report statistics
Skills and Requirements:
A deep faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
Qualify for installation as AFLC pastor
Willingness to participate as a “team player”
Ability to relate enthusiastically to families, congregation,
and the community on a professional and personal basis
Successful ministry experience