Goal of Position:
• To draw and direct people to the throne of God so they might worship Him.Qualifications:
• A steady and healthy personal relationship with Jesus Christ that is growing and contagious.
• Lifestyle that portrays elder characteristics (I Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:6-9, I Peter 5:1-4).
• Theology is in agreement with the Evangelical Free Church of America.
• A passionate heart for people to know God deeper through the means of worship.
• Appropriate degree in music/ministry with seminary experience a plus.
• Gifted in communication and relationships with the many people involved in the worship ministry (pastoral staff, musicians, sound, media, etc.).
• Accomplished vocalist and instrumentalist (preferably guitar and/or keyboard)
• Visionary and creative in drawing people to worship.
• Conscious of the flow and structure of the service.
• Leads worship by worshiping.
• Competent in organizational and administrative duties.
• Ability to delegate where appropriate.
• Knowledgeable about current technology in worship media, sound, and lighting.
• Ability to create an atmosphere of worship.
• Cognizant of incorporating drama and other art forms as needed.
• A motivated self-starter.
• Ability to give direction and guidance to other vocalists and musicians.
Position Responsibilities:
• Plan and coordinate Sunday morning services and any other services with the pastoral staff, reporting to the Senior Pastor.
• Select songs and appropriate arrangement of songs that provide fluidity within the services drawing on all ranges of new contemporary worship songs and traditional rich hymns.
• Bring energy in leading the services and forming a connection with the congregation, worshiping by skill and example.
• Develop a vision to add variety and creativity into the worship service to keep things fresh and new.
• Incorporate other segments into the service that will enhance the congregations worship experience, i.e. dramas, testimonies, special music, dramatic readings, etc.
• Lead the adult choir OR oversee someone from the congregation who has a passion for leading the choir and provide leadership to that person.
• Lead the children’s choir OR oversee someone from the congregation who has a passion for leading the choir and provide leadership to that person.
• Lead weekly worship team rehearsals and equip those involved in the ministry to come to rehearsals and services prepared.
• Schedule the worship team, sound person, and media operator for each service and arrange the weekly songs in the media software (currently using Easy Worship).
• Stay in tune with the current worship industry and bring in new songs that are appropriate for congregational worship.
• Comply with copyright laws in obtaining new music and bringing any current music into compliance.
• Identify, audition, and develop those who are called by God to serve in th